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The difference between frugal and cheap

I’m a frugal person.

I like to be mindful of where I spend my money, but if something comes along that I know I have to have, I’ll get it (provided I’ve already saved and don’t have to go into debt to achieve it).

Being frugal is a good goal to aspire to. It’s a happy balance between consciously minimising spending but allowing yourself to enjoy life along the way.

When you’re frugal, you look at things from the perspective of the value they bring to your life. If the object of your desire is deemed valuable, you acquire it. If not, you don’t.

Being cheap is a whole different story.

Being cheap is when you save money at all costs…potentially to the point of annoying others because you are so stuck in your ways.

Being cheap is when all you see is the cost, not the value.

Being cheap is disappearing when it’s your turn to shout the drinks. You’ve had the benefit of your friends shouting you drinks all night, but when the time comes for you to step up to the plate, suddenly you are nowhere to be seen.

Being cheap is turning up to a BYO BBQ with a few bread rolls, and eating everyone else’s steak.

I’ve seen this happen and if I had my time again I’d throw one of their rock hard bread rolls right back at them.

I once knew a guy that loved avocado on his burrito, but didn’t order it until he got his free burrito after 10 purchases. Hmmmm. That’s a bit too much sacrifice for me. Life is to be enjoyed.

The problem with being cheap is that it becomes a habit. It can start to affect your life to the point of irritating others or limiting your life experiences.

The worst part is that if you’re cheap your whole life and end up rich, you won’t be able to enjoy it because you’ll still be cheap. You won’t be able to shake your cheap mindset.

When everything becomes about how much it costs, you become one dimensional. You become a pretty boring person.

Be frugal. Don’t be cheap.

Don’t be the guy that disappears when it’s your turn to buy a drink.


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